Sunday, May 9, 2010

Go All The Way

First off, big shout out to all the beautiful Mama's out there! I hope you all had a great day!

It's been a busy couple of days on the home front, big shocker there right? This time, it's filled with stuff I've actually wanted to do. (Mostly) Thankfully, I got two finals knocked out of the way on Thursday. That leaves four more to go. (wipes brow) Two of them won't be so bad. I've got one at 8AM on Tuesday. It's my basketball/volleyball class and will literally only take me around 10 minutes to do. After that, I'm done for the day and am free to do what I want. On Thursday I have one at 9AM that should take me only slightly longer to complete. It's my track class. It is a bit more challenging... the teacher asks very specific questions, but shouldn't be too bad. The other two are online and have to be completed by Wednesday. I'm not too worried about them either.

In the voice of Kyle Chandler aka Coach Taylor....

"Right here, right now, God has placed you to do what you do best. Go all the way."

It's my last finals week at South Plains College...FOREVER!!! No more 30 minute drives to Levelland. Graduation is on Friday.

Mother's day was a big success as well. We had family come over to my Mema's house. As always, there was a wide variety of food. Pork, beef roast, and fried chicken. Let's just say I'm feeling like a tick that's about ready to pop. It was really nice for all of us to get together again and hang out. I'm truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. They always come first! :)

Tomorrow it's back down to business. One more week of school and it's time for a much needed break and back to working full time. I need those full paychecks again!

Hope everyone's week goes smoothly!


unnamed lad said...

:) now this was light, lively...and happy. and that's what i am for you!

...hope you do take a break though before entering the daily grind.

thank you for the "have a wonderful week" and i hope you get a double portion!

Jemi Fraser said...

Good luck with those exams! It's so exciting to be finishing one stage and moving on to the next. Enjoy! :)